That's enough! Försäkringskassanupproret, we fight for the sick, the disabled, LSS, personal assistance, single parents.... For a better Sweden! Försäkringskassan and the reduction of LSS is a major societal problem! People with various disabilities are denied assistance or receive less assistance. Patients out there who do not get their right to sickness benefit or sickness compensation even if you have a doctor's certificate and / or a specialist certificate as the social insurance office has its own doctors who can assess other. The waiting times to receive a message or payment are also not acceptable as you have expenses that must be paid. NOW IT'S ENOUGH!!! Do you know someone who has been affected by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's decision, affected themselves or has empathy for other people's fate as it has been written about in various newspapers? Then invite as many as you know and let the group increase in number to show our dissatisfaction! HOW HEALTHY DO I HAVE TO BECOME TO BE ABLE TO BE SICK? Försäkringskassanupprorets Facebook group The group is non-partisan!